
Knee pain is the most common site of pain in the sporting population.

It can be caused by an acute injury or gradually overtime as a result of poor movement patterns and muscular imbalances.

Common conditions we manage include patella tendinopathy, meniscal tears, ITB syndrome, acute ligament tears, patella dislocations and anterior knee pain.

There are multiple structures that can be causing or contributing to your pain both within your knee and also above and below it.

It is therefore important to obtain a physiotherapy assessment so that an individual management plan can be formulated to help you return back to your normal activities.


EXACT Physiotherapy
Suite 2, Level 1, "Odeon Building"
52 Lyons Road
Drummoyne 2047
(62 space parking next door off Marlborough St.)

P: 02 9819 6259
F: 02 9181 1065
E: [email protected]